Even though we’ve reduced our business hours we are going to try off-hours darkroom rentals on a trial basis.
The darkrooms will be available to rent any day up to 7 pm with a 48-hour advance booking or reservation. For example, if you want to book the darkroom for Wednesday afternoon you must schedule it not later than the Monday before. This gives Photo Retro time to get someone into the shop and ready for you. No short-notice bookings will be available. The off-hours darkroom reservations are $25 per hour. It's a little more because it's during hours we are not open, so we must get a fellow Photo Retroist into the shop to man the space while you create your magic. To reserve private darkroom time, please email [email protected] with the subject header of "Darkroom By Appointment" so we'll know it's for after-hours rentals. People have been asking about extended hours for the darkroom, or if we can be open during the week. This is the best way for us to be available during the week for those who have asked. Remember, please book your darkroom time at least 48 hours in advance. If you have any questions, please reach out to us either here, on Instagram or Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks to everyone who continues to support us and visit us during our open hours. We are hoping to grow and we can only do that with your continued patronage. Viva la film!
As we approach our first anniversary in November we've gathered a year's worth of information regarding our operating hours and level of business during them. After analyzing the information we’ve decided to adjust to our business hours STARTING SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2022 NEW PHOTO RETRO HOURS: • Fridays: 10am-7pm • Saturdays: 10am-5pm • Sundays: Noon-5pm Thanks to everyone who continues to support us and visit us during our open hours. We are hoping to grow and we can only do that with your continued patronage. Viva la film! |